Momoko Hinasaki

Found: 4
Dancing Queen: Kagari

There`s fresh chick is ready to become a most important role in hentai parody game show``Dancing Queen``. This is the first part of her adventures in the world where blondie can get fucked even when she was simply going down the hall. And not a few of her boyfriends - this time she got the attention from some all girl cougar. According to what will happen next our leading lady is not much experienced in girl-girl love but she has nothing - her fresh fucky-fucky friend will tach her all that she knows. Even though for she might need to utilize handcuffs at any stage... The game has been created from genre of interactive comic strips - not only you will see the series of colorific pictures that will tel you a story but also most of this pictures will be animated. The real problem - game does not have any english version for the time being.


``Shade`` is just another one interactive cartoon from Silestaur (quantity six in case you wonder) so that you probably already know exactly what to hope from it. You will meet such characters as Shade and Steele and once again you will love them having hot fuck-a-thon. Some texts supposed to represent dialogs and the narrative will be tsill. Follow thru the series of of animated scenes and love touching, taunting and fucking not and this curvy exactly human chick from first person perspective! There`s also assumed to be quite a surprise if you`ll locate the code and enter it for this you`ll need to pay a whole lot of focus on,well, everything which will ahppen from the game as that understand swhere it`ll be covert!

Momoko Hinasaki
Found: 4