Attention Test

Found: 4
Fellate your blast

This buxom hotty might be your assistant or one of your biz accomplices but that is hardly should bother your right now when she is stripped to the waist and on her knees while jerking off your spunk-pump in your office. From now on you will be providing her orders about what she should do next with one certain purpose - she has to bring you sooner or later! By providing you a handjob to playing with your nuts from tonguing your spunk-pump into getting it deep in her jaws - as you will observe this buxom hotty is aware of what she`s doing! At the bottom part of the game display you will observe the delight bar that will be filling more or less determined by what deeds and also if you may inform your today`s mega-bitch to do next... and after it is going to acquire full you`ll prize with a big blast of spunk!

Attention Test
Found: 4