Fairy Tail

Found: 4
Living with Sasha

Terry and Sasha are having relationships for some time already but recently they seem to begin to fade. Why? Because Sasha is flirting with other guys! But Terry is not ready to give up yet so he has thirty days to bring back the romance and save thier relationship with Sasha... and ofcourse he is going to do that with your help. As a player you will be taking lots of decision for Terry throughout his attempts to attract back Sasha` love. But be careful - while one actions will make these two closer the other actions make ruin all your achievements in one second! So pay attention to five parameters (expecially for electricity and currency ) and plan your actions so that you get and spend points that you truly want not only at the moment but in perspectiev on briniging Sasha on Terry`s good side too.

PokerPool 3

Hence the protagonist of the game went to a nightclub on Friday evening to drink a couple of pints of vodka and play billiards. Two party gals came to him and offered a bet. In case a dude can strike a girl in a billiards game, then two beauties will dance a striptease. The dude agrees and the game embarks. Your duty is to help the dude win the game. To do this, use the correct vector of the cue hitting the ball so that it hits the ideal fuck slot. For each win, two beauties will take off some of their clothes and distract your attention by wiggling them together with big watermelons with pink puffies. But you know there is an even juicier reward ahead of you. Thus do not get dispersed from playing billiards. I`m confident you can win the match and see the busty beauties completely naked. So let`s commence the game and check it out at this time.

Fairy Tail
Found: 4