
Found: 781
Alena 2: Police Story

This is a continuation of a story that was began on part one. As you remeber there was some masked pervert in the neighborhood who luved to dominate his women during hookup. Ofcoruse it has occured the interest of police officer who is antsy to end these evil deeds and put this maniac into the arms of justice. But being sexy woman by herself this officer has not even thought that she can easily become the next plaything for this mysterios stud. And since this is manga porn game with bdsm elements in it then you most likely already know in what direction the story will go but if you want to enjoy all the details you will have to play this game by yourself. Game has not only the story and fuckfest scenes but some elementary minigames such as memory puzzles.

MrPinku: Let's Mix Stuff

Do you like to go experimenting and mix various ingredients without knowing what exactly you are going to get in result? Then you certainly should try this new game from MrPinku! What you will get at your disposal right from the begin is decoration set where you can change a lot of elements - from the lady playing the main role and decorations to the surprises and special guests appearings! Just choose what object you want to change and then use one avaialable options numbered from one to ten. Ofcourse you don`t know until you will choose it what this every option will bring to the stage! Funny situations, sexy situations, jokey and fuck-a-thon situations - try to create something that will not only be looking good but may be inspire you on something creative too!

Epic Sexy Magic

We decided to combine all 5 components of the game in a large game. Now you can totally ensue the story and enjoy some improvements we made as well as a new end to close these sequence. Keep pointing and clicking on objects to finish each puzzle and reach the end. Play more adult hook-up games @ Check our manga porn, toon, 3D tube site also @

Ayames Pleasure

In this game you are going to meet such characters from anime series``Naruto`` as Ayame and Iruka. They are not very constantly used as main characters of manga porn parodies and therefore don`t miss the chance to enjoy their secret life if you happened to be their admirer for some reason. Since this is anime porn parody they are obviously going to fuck yet how succsessful their fucking will become will depend on the player`s actions. Your task is quite ordinary - all you need to do is to recreate particular bodie areas of our characters in order to make them to stir more an dmore active. Try to catch the proper rhytm for teh activity that will allow you to charge their sexual pleasure to the max and reward you with special cum shot animated scene instead of game over screen.

Found: 781